Friday, January 30, 2009

2 years ago today

Two years ago, I became a mother to one of the sweetest little girls. Here are three ways that my almost-3-year-old has grown...

Then: All she could say was "da, da, da."
Now: She talks all the time--and sings tons of songs, including her favorite: "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star." She's working hard on teaching the alphabet to her 1-year-old sister.

Then: Bottles, eggs, congee, rice, watermelon.
Now: Frozen corn, pizza, white rice, pineapple and jellybeans are some of her favorite things to eat.

Then: Couldn't crawl at 10 months. No upper arm strength.
Now: Runs, jumps, hops on one foot, and she is working hard on learning the monkey bars.

Although I look forward to watching her grow in the next year, I'm enjoying every day with her at this stage.

Happy Gotcha Day, little ladybug.

1 comment:

Ashley Winters said...

Happy Gotcha Day sweet Athena! Auntie loves you so much.