One of my goals for 2010 is to copy my Facebook status updates as blog entries because I'd like to remember all of the sweet things my kids say/do.
Here's a sample of what they've said recently:
Merry Christmas! Santa's presents were a hit! Eena loved the $1 recorder and 98-cent chapstick the best; Baba loved her $1 baby doll and a Dora I bought a long time ago.
The girls were thrilled with xmas eve gift of gloves...
Apa, Eena and Baba are napping in the car. Wish I could...
Eena: "Baba, it's hard for me to talk while you're talking."
The art of coloring has finally calmed the energetic girls this morning.
Nothing helps the morning like frozen bananas
Eena: "When are we going to China? We should take Baba because she never got to see it." ... later on, Eena asked me the names of her birth parents. When I said I didn't know, she said: "I think she is named 'Bear' and he is named 'Strawberry.'"
Eena: "Daddy make eggs gooder than you."
The girls were all smiles when they met Santa for the first time this evening.
I love that Baba wore my U2 Vertigo concert T-shirt as a nightgown last night
Eena: "I've been waiting all year for Hanukkah!"
Baba: I like my Mommy so much.
Eena thinks she's on China time. She's been up pretty much since 2. Luckily, her sister fell back asleep at 5.
Eena and Baba are playing with their new (my old) dollhouse.
Eena and Baba are passed out in car in post-show nap. a on way to bday party
Eena: "We can take an airplane to visit your Mommy in Heaven."
I hope Baba feels better for her date with Brobee tomorrow morning.
The kids went to bed at a much earlier time with the babysitter. Maybe hubby and I should go out every night.
I need to go Christmas/Hanukkah shopping in her basement when the kids are sleeping
Today marks three years since I got "the referral call" from telling me that I had a beautiful daughter (Eena) in China who was driving a little red car.
Kids keep leaving their room and not going to bed. How can I get them to stay in there?
I'm impressed with how well Eena behaved while I was getting my haircut. On the down side, the hairdresser cut my hair too short...
Eena: "I want to visit Olivia. Throw me into the TV." ... Olivia the pig is a cartoon character.
Baba: "Cassie (the cat) can't go to the supermarket because she doesn't have shoes."
I think Eena feels better after her pukefest at 3 a.m.
I performed my first operation: With a tweezer, I carefully removed a small piece of Kleenex tissue that Baba stuffed up her nose
Eena ate pasta for lunch and dinner yesterday. Now, she's eating it for breakfast.
I'm grateful that Eena and Baba didn't ram their cart into anyone at Trader Joe's
If the girls had a TV show, they said it would be called: "The Hairball Cooking Show."
Much to hubby's dismay, I've busted out the Alvin & the Chipmunks' Christmas CD. The girls love it!
When I told Eena that she can't go commando. Her reply? "Mommy, I didn't know you speak Spanish!"
Baba may not have danced at the Pull-Ups audition, but, on the bright side, she's already smart enough not to dance topless in front of cameras
Future entrepreneur: Eena asked me for money to start a lemonade stand.
"Mommy, I've been looking all over for this," Eena said as she showed me a copy of her referral photo.
Baba: "I'm hungry. I want M&Ms." ... Hubby: "Here's some fruit instead."