Being a mom to two children close in age can be a bit daunting at times. When we go to most parks, I'm pushing Eena on the swings as I supervise Baba on the slide. Running back and fourth in what I like to call the "Mom Dance." All moms of two or more do it at some time. I also have rapid eye movement at the park where my eyes are always on Eena or Baba, which can be difficult at large parks as they try and run in separate directions.
Luckily, I've discovered the World's Greatest Playground. It's a tot lot, which means everything is geared for children 18 months to 4 years old. Here are 8 reasons why I love it.
1. Everything is the perfect size for them. There's even a little stove under the equipment. Baba likes to "make a cake" by putting the wood chips on the stove
2. A small see-saw, which they love. Eena pretends it's a bicycle.
3. A teeny, tiny rock wall is a great way for them to practice without Mom worrying that they'll fall.
4. It's usually empty, which means I don't have to worry about bigger kids climbing on top of the equipment or trying to push the girls.
5. A great place to socialize. I've already had one playdate there. Plus when my husband and I go, we can actually sit on the bench and talk (sometimes for a whole 3 minutes before Eena and Baba demand our attention).
6. It's about a 20 minute walk from our house. There's nothing better than getting a workout with the kids.
7. There's no sandbox! See earlier post about sand.
8. Because of the small perimeter, I can avoid the Mom Dance.